Raising Up the Church Out of the Culture

Exponential Pre-Conference Hosted by Gateway Leaders

Exponential 2013Most new churches reach people who are already following Jesus. They unintentionally attract disgruntled consumers from the other churches in town. How can your church plant be different? What will it take for you to reach people far from God? Starting a church with people who are far from God requires powerful values, an effective strategy, and a radical willingness to enter into the mess. We’ll show you how to apply these game-changing principles in any church planting context from bootstrap to large launch, from micro to mega.


John Burke Eric Bryant Scott Bloyer Craig Whitney
John Burke Eric Bryant Scott Bloyer Craig Whitney

Register for Exponential until February 15, for only $179 and your spouse gets in for $99.

Add the Gateway Leaders pre-conference to your registration for only $59.

Register today at www.exponential.org