I’m neither a drummer, nor a fan of Dancing with the Stars, but I know enough to tell the difference between the slow, simple rhythm of the waltz and the much faster and more complex rhythm of the salsa. I wonder – do you know the beat your church plant dances to?

Rhythm Creates Momentum

Most North American churches have a rhythm – Sunday morning services, midweek groups, and maybe a meeting or two along the way. Whether that rhythm is ideal, or not, it informs what’s “next.” If it’s Sunday, we go to church service. If it’s Tuesday, we go to group. If it’s the 3rd Thursday, we have a meeting. Rhythm creates momentum. During the formation of a new church those familiar rhythms are missing, and so is the momentum they create.

The absence of established rhythms provides church planters with the opportunity, and responsibility, to create new ones for themselves, their team, their circle of influence and ultimately the new church. How do you establish new rhythms to create missional momentum?

Set The Beat

Start by prioritizing what is important. Things like…

Passionate prayer.
Meeting new people.
Creating space for community to form.
Serving your neighbors.
Spiritual conversations.
Developing leaders.

Order them into daily, weekly and monthly rhythms. For example…

Order each day around prayer and intentional time in public and social spaces to meet new people.
Order each week around community, serving and spiritual conversations.
Order each month around developing leaders and celebrating God’s work in your lives.

Just like there are almost infinite drum patterns, there are more ways to prioritize and order a forming church than could possibly be listed here. Your rhythm needs to fit your calling, capacity and context. Find your rhythm, and you will create missional momentum.